2024 Somers Golf League, Team Standings
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Rank | Teams | Total Points |
1 | Hansmann/Hansmann | 110.00 |
2 | Colabello/Desimone | 98.00 |
3 | McKenna/Rios | 96.00 |
4 | Geckle/Sacco | 94.50 |
5 | Forbes/Mancini | 93.50 |
6 | Brewer/Brooks | 86.00 |
7 | Cole/Marchiano | 84.00 |
8 | Furci/Lovell | 80.00 |
9 | Brandt/Paternoster | 78.50 |
10 | Sacco/Williams | 76.50 |
T11 | Cosgriff/Timone | 74.00 |
T11 | Magnesio/Podlovits | 74.00 |
T13 | McNamara/Minnaugh | 70.50 |
T13 | Conte/Johnson | 70.50 | Totals: | 1,186.00 |